From The Deli NYC’s submissions: NYC Folk Rockers The Vansaders

‘Stuck in New York City’ is the perfect title for the debut release by The Vansaders. A y’alternative sound that brings the stomp and holler attitude south of the mason-dixon up to the northeast. Indeed, these sounds seem lost in this city, but this provides an open road for an aural escape. With rock n’ roll and songwriting sensibility comparable to Deer Tick, The Vansaders are able to vary style enough to keep the party going. The title track ‘Stuck in New York City’ is poised to be an anthem for any good ole’ boy transplants, or even passers through; who end up getting stuck.

The Vandsaders are playing an acoustic show at Court Tavern in New Brunswick, NJ on March 6th and then an electric show in full formation at The Gutter in Brooklyn on March 22. – Joe Fish

This band submitted their music for coverage here.