Explore Acidhead’s esoteric electronic on “Distractions,” play Knitting Factory 11.27

New York electronic act Acidhead mix elements of pop-punk, new classical, and synthwave on new LP Distractions, delivering a strange, exciting effort for fans of the experimental. Between pulsing 808s and dissonant keys, multi-instrumentalist Patrick McGee croons in heavy autotune, crafting tracks that resonate with the listener as both emotional detached and deeply lachrymose; peppered in among this primarily electronic backbone are massive guitar riffs, sax lines, and meandering piano playing, all of which contribute to the esoteric nature of the release. The final output reads as the lovechild of Angelo Badalamenti and Yung Lean (in the best way possible); stream it below, and catch Acidhead at Knitting Factory on 11.27.