Dump Him prepares for record release, plays Flywheel Arts Collective 08.28

Northampton’s Dump Him does not care much if you think its music is good or bad; the band’s liberating rock is for everyone. Letting rip fast-paced distorted guitars, eruptive drums, and sticky-good pop choruses, the group keeps the voltage high and the pop-punk cream thick. The band’s latest set of singles “Dykes To Watch Out For” and “Trash” are confirmation that the group plans on keeping its middle finger flying high toward the establishment, with powerful messages about personal freedom and empowering rock ‘n’ roll—the way any great punk band ought to do. The two singles are a preview of the group’s upcoming record Dykes To Watch Out For set for release on August 30th. If you want to catch Dump Him live, you can make your way to the Flywheel Arts Collective in Easthampton, MA tomorrow evening. We are streaming the upcoming album’s title track for you below. – Rene Cobar