Dough Gillard plays Mercury on 01.05

This album could very well be a relic from the 1960s.  Doug Gillard is like the Cat Stevens of 2009 with his deep (sometimes robotic monotone) vocals and classic guitar oldies sound. And he has the music cred to back up his solo endeavors having been a guitarists for Death of Samantha, Lifeguards, Gem, Cobra Verde, Guided by Voices, the list goes on.  He has something special to offer as a soloist and Call From Restricted is a chance to hear the pure Gillard sans collaborations.  So if you thought his first solo Salamander [2004] was a gem, just play “Time is Nigh” for a song that could very well be on the Harold & Maude soundtrack. Doug Gillard plays the Mercury Lounge on January 05 – CS