Delicate Steve, Headless Horseman and Arpline played Brooklyn Bowl at the closing night of The Deli’s NYC B.E.A.F.!

The Deli’s NYC B.E.A.F. 2011 will end tonight at Brooklyn Bowl with a night of superlative avant-indie rock involving 3 extremely original artists.


Hardly delicate, Delicate Steve‘s music is completely self assured in its eccentricities. Blending trippy percussion loops with catchy avant-garde rhythms, he’s tearing up the pop rulebook, and creating a buzz that has been felt down the turnpike and throughout the five boroughs. This video won our nonexistent 2010 "Video of the Year" award.


Headless Horseman is a band full of contradictions. While much of members Fareed Sajan and Conner O’Neill’s repertoire contains the intimate spookiness of Icelandic bands like múm and Sigur Ros, there’s also an immediacy in their recordings at home in their Brooklyn surroundings, bringing Sufjan Stevens and even Sleigh Bells to mind in songs like Sh8ker and Growing. Achieving large, sing-along moments over sparse guitar work, then moving without pause to mouse-like whispers rising over blaring electronics, this band deals exclusively in musical and emotional dichotomies.

08.00 – ARPLINE

Electro rock outfit Arpline have the ability to carve a very original electronic rock sound through an interesting use of arpeggiators. Early traces of MGMT are there, mixed with German post punk influences, creating a feeling of club basement badass mixed with synthesizers and dance jam goodies. Don’t miss their show tonight!