Debut Performance of Language Problem at The Fire April 28

Tonight’s show at The Fire is a lineup of local music vets, as well as the debut performance of Language Problem, which features Steve Quaranta (Paper Masques, Yellow Humphrey, Zelda Pinwheel), Claire Connelly (The Sw!ms, The Daylight Savings & Loan), Mike Spano (She Policeman, Daylight Savings & Loan) and Brian Langan (Langor, The Sw!ms, Kock 107). You can check out their first proggy, synth-driven single “Hurrah, Harrah!” below. (BTW: It’s also Quaranta’s birthday so wish him well and buy him a drink if you’re feeling really nice.) They’ll be joined by earSnake’s two headed chimera Mikronesia + Pandar, who are otherwise known as Gemini Wolf, and the enigmatic Fantasy Square Garden. The Fire, 412 W. Girard Ave, 9pm, $5, 21+ – Bill McThrill