DAMN THE MAN, SAVE THE EMPIRE! w/ The Lights Out at Milky Way 9/30

What’s with today, today? Well, it’s not so much today as tomorrow when Dig Boston and the Milky Way in Jamacia Plain host DAMN THE MAN, SAVE THE EMPIRE! w/ The Lights Out Friday at 9pm. I don’t know about you guys, but as a teenager, I think we all had this one movie we could quote verbatim. This one was mine. This show is only 8 dollars of pure 90s nostalgia. The Lights Out, one of Boston’s most talked about rock bands is performing, and I am hoping they are going to cover the entire soundtrack in the order it was released on the neon-yellow cased album I listened to religously on the bus on the way to junior high. There will also be special DJ sets by The Dig’s own David Day and  Hilary Hughes. Plus a photobooth (don’t forget your flannel and docs) and giveaways from Mt. Gay Rum. See you tomorrow, for tomorrow is Rex Manning Day and it will be enitrely perfect. 

Milky Way – $8 – 9pm – 284 Amory St., Jamaica Plain – 21+ (hey if you are under 21 you probably wouldn’t get it anyways)

–Meghan Chiampa