Cape Chacon’s Memories Make Good Music

Cape Chacon’s first release, Doing My Best, is endearing and relatable in the best way possible. Listening to it reminds you of every skinned knee you got during the summer as a kid. The vocals are beautiful, grounded firmly in each note sung. It has the feel of young adults shaking off the skin of teenage apathy, realizing that feeling earnest and genuine isn’t a bad thing.

It isn’t all sweet either, despite the upbeat pop style. The album is full of a uniquely gentle resentment. Do you remember the first time you tried to eat a bubble, only to discover that the incredibly tempting shine was really just bitter and soapy? That’s the feeling Cape Chacon is singing about, especially in songs like “save me 4 l8r.” However, there is hope in the album as well. After all, the band describes their music as “indie rock that’s kind of like when you forgot your pencil in sixth grade but ur bff had an extra.” Sure, there’s panic and despair, but there’s also a friendly hand there to help you out.

-By Avril Carrillo