Buzz Alert! Eartheater covered by The Wire + plays The Kitchen on 02.09

A noteworthy NYC artist we completely missed in 2016 (and 2015! – probably because she seems to tour the experimental circuit, rather than the rock/DIY one) is Queens based Eartheater, the solo project of multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Alexandra Drewchin. Propelled by impressive confidence and multi-disciplinary talent (she is also a dancer), Alexandra creates music that’s experimental and textural at heart and, in its most accessible expressions, could be described as a more abstract version of Cocteau Twins, bordering on Dead Can Dance’s arcane desolation. Streaming video for 2015 single ‘Homonyms’ (from LP ‘Metalepsis‘) reveals a bold and articulate artist blessed by the gift of uniqueness. Eartheater’s shows have often an original coregraphy (yep, she does that too…) and recently caught the attention of The Wire, which is why we have the feeling that those who dig art that’s "out there" might enjoy her upcoming show at The Kitchen on February 9th.

P.S. Clever name! is it "Earth Eater" or "Ear Theater"?