Buke and Gass play Santos on Friday 10.01 + Deli CMJ show on 10.21

If you followed us in the last year and a half or so you should know by now that we’ve been covering Buke and Gass in all possible ways since we found out about them (they have been our CD of the month in early 2009, they graced the cover of our summer issue 2009 and they placed 9th in our "Year End Best of 2009" Poll.) It’s great to see them do well finally – the band signed to Brassland Record earlier this year (label run by some of the guys in The National), and has been touring with Danish sensation Efterklang (by the way, you can catch their last date of this tour on Friday 10.01 at Santos Party House). The duo recently released their debut full length "Riposte", and are going to be be playing at one of the Deli organized CMJ show at The Living Room on 10.21.