Mannequin Pussy brings a sonic assault similar to that of Boredoms, Melt Banana or a female fronted Pissed Jeans. Feverish noisy experimental mayhem blasts through their latest release ‘Gypsy Pervert.’ Ever so often they’re able break away to string together down tempo rockers that conjure up visions of either Kim Gordon or Deal singing along with them. Guitarist / singer Marisita Dabeast can scream her lungs out (as in tracks Sneaky and Clue Juice) or bring a comforting element amidst this chaos with smooth melodies (My Baby, streaming), pairing with long time friend Thanasi Paul and new drummer Drew Adler. Noisy pop-punk rarely sounded so uncompromising and catchy at once. Mannequin Pussy will be shredding the stage at The Rock Shop in Brooklyn this Saturday, January 4th, and opening for NYC buzz band BIG UPS’ record release show on January 9th at Shea Stadium. – Joey Fish