Booked at CMJ: Bowmont unveils video for Hovering + plays Glasslands on 11.13

Bowmont ended up on our CMJ 2014 Electronic Stage at Pianos at the last minute, and we couldn’t have been happier to have them, since their put on a great show. The band has coined a very personal, moody brand of pop that could be defined impressionistic, if not pointillistic: it’s as if their songs emerged from silence like a sonic mosaic created by the combination of many tiny fragments of sound. The quartet just unveiled this video for their song "Hovering," featuring Shilpa Ray (who also played at Pianos that night on our Indie Stage). Check it out below and don’t miss them when they play live at (soon to be closing) Glasslands on 11.13 with like minded Brooklynites Mon Khmer. –  Photo by Fabrizio Del Rincon