Bluegrass group Damn Tall Buildings release new single “I’ll Be Getting By,” play Grey Fox Fest 07.18

Brooklyn-based quartet Damn Tall Buildings is getting ready to release their new album Don’t Look Down on June 7th, the final single “I’ll Be Getting By” is a whole lot of fun. The band is fully committed to the high energy and storytelling of bluegrass music; this is evident in the new single’s bright choruses and swift pace. Each string instrument alternates between playing melody and accompaniment for a layered sound that keeps the listener engaged from start to finish. Damn Tall Buildings’ faithful approach to bluegrass follows in the footsteps of groups like Punch Brothers, which have done a fantastic job of leading the genre’s resurgence, with their compositions that bring out the history of American Music’s roots. Damn Tall Buildings will be playing the Grey Fox Bluegrass Festival up north in Oak Hill, NY on July 18th. “I’ll Be Getting By” is streaming below. – Rene Cobar