Birds of Maya Lookin’ for Prey at KFN Dec. 1

Listening to Birds of Maya incites a certain spontaneous, enthusiastic splendor that can only be matched by their vigilant, fervent worship of protracted blues-soaked hard rock epistles. While this three-piece crafts complex slow-burners that drag like a Marlboro Red, their sound is anything but lackluster. In fact, it’s balls-to-the-walls rock – a bedlam of crude electric vibrations and trouncing garage kick starts that drapes rightly as the backdrop to what will be the best (or, at the very least, wildest) night of your life. But don’t forget to warm up first with bill mates Taco Leg and Watery Love, otherwise you’re just gonna be aching in the morning. You shouldn’t snooze on this one because with the growing interest in Mike Polizze’s Purling Hiss, you never know when Birds of Maya will pop up again. (Bummer – looks like Home Blitz dropped off the original lineup.) Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front St, 8pm, $6, 21+ – Annamarya Scaccia