Best of The Bay Area Emerging Artists 2010 Top Three: Weekend, Michael Musika, The Family Crest

Surely it comes with little surprise that everyone’s favorite of last year Weekend has topped our list and been named the Best Emerging Bay Area Artist of 2010. After causing a huge splash with their wildly successful EP (earning itself a Deli SF Album of the Month Award), impressive Noise Pop performance, and a currently successful new release Sports, Weekend have proven themselves a force to be reckoned with around the Bay Area. As they depart for their tour with the Wire we wish them the best exporting the finest of San Francisco’s wonderfully shrill shoegaze-y noise-rock.

After a contentions reader’s voting period Michael Musika earned himself a second place nod. Contrasting Weekend with a more subdued acoustic style Michael Musika brings some representation to the poll for the Bay Area’s folk community.

Finally, after coming in first in the reader’s poll The Family Crest took third for the overall contest. Bringing an orchestral indie-rock sound to the field, this placement hopefully will help The Family with their latest release The Village.