Best of NYC #42: A Rose Parade

We continue our "Best of NYC Countdown", covering every day one of the artists that made our Year End Best of NYC list (a chart compiled by a jury comprised of local bloggers, music writers, promoters, record store personnel and DJs).

A Rose Parade fosters a Lynchian world with its cinematic, dream-like music sequences. With her soulful and sultry vocals, Shannon Funchess of Light Asylum and !!! fame fronts a collective of musicians including Gerard Smith of TV on the Radio that produces detailed flourishes that meld into a surreal, genre-bending universe. In this constellation of colliding musical archetypes, dark, experimental pop tunes successfully co-exist with country-tinged, rolling folk songs. Although A Rose Parade only formed during the latter part of last year, the band has earned opening slots for the likes of Kaki King and tUnE-yArDs. -Nancy Chow