Band of the Month Nominee Spotlight: Blue Horns


2010 is shaping up to be a good year for Blue Horns. In fact, as far as I can tell, they’ve played somewhere around 1,000 shows since January. This is in no small part thanks to the boatloads of talent these fellows possess.

It’s no surprise that the wild, stylish sound of Blue Horns has become so popular in a city where hipsters strive to look like lumberjacks and you’re as likely to party in nature as you are in a nightclub. They make the kind of music that should have accompanied Max Records on the big screen if Max had a leather jacket on and Karen O wasn’t so literal in her translation of "Wild Thing."

The band brings a teenage energy to the music, without letting it become angsty or obnoxious. Their talent lies not just in making raucous, joyous sounds, but in knowing where to bring them back and tone them down before they lose sight of the song. Nowhere is this surprising restraint more obvious than in their new single "Daughters," available on their MySpace page.

Not only can you finally hear what Park is singing, but the sound in general has mellowed and matured. Needless to say you should probably check it out, and if their recent schedule is any indication you will have plenty of chances to.

Emilie Clark