Album review: The Big Iron – We Will Fall

(Photo by Todd Zimmer)
The Big Iron has something to say, and you are going to listen. On its latest release We Will Fall, The Big Iron captures the aggression of ‘90s hardcore punk rock while peppering in surf and foot stompin’ southern rock. The 12-song release is well comprised of all the things I love about this genre: aggression with a message and catchy hooks.
Throughout the record I reminisce about the days of fighting "the man,” scoring a pint, and evading the fuzz on my skateboard. Straight ahead, The Big Iron rides while dragging everyone else behind them. "We all are gonna die / we don’t know how to live" sums up the the band’s message on the title track. Let’s burn this mother down and party while we do it!
The first track, "Climate Refuge," opens with a tremolo surf riff that entices the listener to play along. There’s more going on here than just a surf punk song, however. The message is dark and gloomy, accusing the human race of destroying its own environment. Pretty deep stuff for a punk band. 
"Trees Explode" is an epic, soaring track. Frontman Jeff Pendergraft yells and screams over a spacey groove with an intensity unmatched by most. 
"Atomic Acid Groove" is psychedelic punk rock song to the nth degree. Rise and fall, the pendulum swings until all the kinetic energy resolves. Anyone that has partaken in mind-altering substances can relate to this track. Traveling through time, leaving nothing behind, and all the while unaware that the oasis just ahead is slowly fading. 
Doesn’t everyone dream about absolutely crushing your opponent? Whether that opponent is a boss, friend, foe or stranger no one can be saved on "F.P.F.U.” Pendergraft screams, "Your God isn’t here! It’s just you and me!" Meanwhile, palm-muted guitars punch through and finish the job. There’s no pussy footin’ around on this track. 
While there are some softer tunes like "Letter to a Grave" "Saturated" and "This is the End", the message remains the same; through fire and flame, with reckless abandonment, The Big Iron screams, “FUCK YOU!”
I’m personally thankful for bands like The Big Iron. We all need a voice that says what we really want to say, and on We Will Fall, that voice is loud and clear. You won’t need to keep your eyes and ears open for The Big Iron. They will find you, and you will see and listen. 
Josh Simcosky
Josh is a KC native that loves anything meat- or tube-driven related. He also plays guitar for Leering Heathens and Sharp Weapons.

Head over to recordBar on Friday, May 30, for an evening of loud, heavy rock ‘n roll, as The Big Iron celebrates the release of We Will Fall. The Death Scene and The Philistines will open. Starts at 10 p.m. Facebook event page.