AgesandAges at Rontoms 8.4

Agesandages is a relentlessly harmonic band that has somehow managed to make 7 people singing at the same time sound like something effortless and joyful. With the heart of a choir and the instrumentation of a rock band they breath some new life into an americana sound with complicated and competing layered vocals that manage to work together to tell a beautiful story. The true allure of Alright You Restless, Agesandages debut album, is that while the songs offer a musical and lyrical range, they all share an undeniable movement that keeps the crowd swaying. On August 4th Rontoms Sunday Sessons will be hosting Agesandages as well as Blue Cranes, an experimental jazz band that is amazingly talented and has a unique voice that always lands on something completely it’s own. No cover, doors open at 8. – Joy Pearson