A show you shouldn’t miss: Woods + Real Estate at Market Hotel on 12.04

Woods (in the picture) and Real Estate have quite a few things in common: they both emerged from the Brooklyn DIY scene we often cover in our online and print pages, they share a mellow, clean, but lo-fi sound with psychedelic and folk influences, and they were both selected by Pitchfork Media as "Best New Music" in 2009 and got a similar review mark (8.3 and 8.5 respectively). On the more frivolous side of things; both bands seem to share a conflictual relationship with press (I wasn’t able to find an interview with any members of Woods) or maybe I should just say with The Deli (both declined to be interviewed, which makes us feel very sorry and uncool.) But nonetheless, Newyorkers shouldn’t miss the opportunity to see these two acts live at Market Hotel on December 4. It’s definitely going to be a great party.