A Deli Premiere: “Nasty Woman” by Chel

In such a contentious election year, with so many voices drowned in the mix, few are heard, others cut fiercely, defiantly through the noise, and that is the case with Chel’s new single “Nasty Woman.” The singer-songwriter debuts a single and accompanying video that highlights the ardent fight for women’s equality in all fields, in all spheres. With vocals that display force and grace, Chel rides a quaking beat that leads to instrumental swells and ascents that you can’t help but feel profoundly within. In the small bridges of the track, Chel’s voice floats elegantly towards a fabulous beat drop. The song title, a reference to words infamously uttered by President Donald Trump, reminds us that many women have awaited this coming election perhaps most fervently than many, ready to exact change. In “Nasty Woman,” Chel offers a slick and soulful pop single that rattles with hot emotion and frigid, piercing intent. In a year full of statements, some have a bit more bite to them; stream the music video for “Nasty Woman” premiering below. – René Cobar