A Deli Premiere: Kris Kelly releases new album “Runaways” 08.30

"Runaways is a collection of very personal songs I would sing to myself when I felt alone, confused, hopeless, and needed to turn inward to process my struggle. I hope people will be able to relate to the universal themes in the songs and that they might find comfort in seeing their own experiences mirrored throughout the album."

Five years traveling in South America helped indie songwriter Kris Kelly discover love, loss, and home, all of which contributed to the songs on his upcoming record Runaways. The album, which comes out August 30th, features Kelly’s atmospheric compositions with the touches of a production team who has worked with Ani DiFranco and Devendra Banhart, among others. Much of the album also centers around Kelly meeting his now-husband during his travels, and their search for home back when returning to the States as a married couple was legally impossible. Now that they’ve found home, to listen to Runaways is to understand the path of Kelly’s journey from questioning into self-discovery. Take a listen to the album below, and here’s Kris Kelly’s Spotify profile. – Will Sisskind