222 play at Hotel Cafe tonight

If you’re looking for tunes worthy of soundtracking only the coolest Halloween party (obviously, the one at *your* house), 222 has got you covered. This electro-dance rock duo released their self-produced debut album, Libretto, earlier this year. They also recently put out an eerie music video for their single One Night Stand, which stars singer/guitarist Jade Howard as a stylish femme fatale, getting back at a date (played by drummer Dennis Hamlin) who has become a bit too attached.

If you’re eager to start the holiday early, 222 are playing at the Hotel Cafe tonight at 9 pm. On Halloween, they’re releasing an early version of a new music video to their mailing list subscribers. It’s for their song "Headcake", and it looks like the band is aiming to up the creepy-factor this time around. – Brittany Scheffler