New England

Interview with Mercies

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The three-piece indie-folk band Mercies took their album Three Thousand Days to the road two weeks ago and stopped by O’Brien’s pub in Allston where I had the pleasure of watching them perform. At first, I had trouble envisioning how the band would translate their acoustic-based, natural sound created in the “Barn” to a live setting, but I was enlightened and pleased once they began playing. With a slew of subtle stomp boxes, some beautiful hollow body electric guitars, and reverberating vocals, Mercies were able to recreate, and take to a new level, the huge sound of the album, inside the confines of a bar with a 70-person capacity. Beforehand, I was able to catch up with the band and ask them a few questions about how they were able to write and record an album in the middle of the winter in a barn and where the band is heading next.

Click here to read Michael Giordano’s interview with Mercies.


Bess Rogers releases ‘Out of the Ocean’ album + plays Rockwood on 10.06

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Folk rocker Bess Rogers returns on October 4th with her second full-length album, ‘Out of the Ocean,’ and a major U.S. tour. The CD’s inspiration came from a book entitled ‘Your Inner Fish,’ by Neil Shubin. Rogers comments: "The book is about our evolution from life as far back as prehistoric fish and microbes and how that has affected our bodies and our lives now. It really grabbed me and I found myself a bit obsessed. I started to look at everything we do in life as a product of evolution, and many of the songs on this record were inspired by that idea.” You can stream the album’s first single below and see Bess live in NYC on October 6 at Rockwood Music Hall.

New England

Org: Asylum — Friday, September 30 at Oberon

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One in a series of performance events curated by Singer Mali (of Jaggery), Org: Asylum brings together artists and performers from diverse backgrounds and diverse media to explore the issues of insanity and sanctuary.  The second in the Org series to take place at Oberon (after June’s powerfully moving Org: Murder Ballads) Org: Asylum includes a short film shot on location at a local abandoned state mental hospital, a butoh interpretation of Vaslav Nijisky, a body-painting storyteller sharing tales of art-making and suicidal ideation, and much more.

Jaggery is doing a full, multimedia set (with film and dancers, etc).  Local band Ginger Ibex is performing, accompanying mimedancer Karen Montanaro (of Maine).  The MCs (Matthias Bossi and Carla Kihlstedt) will be incorporating music into their pieces. 

Michael Pope

Bryan Papciak
Karen Montanaro
Ginger Ibex
UnAmerika’s Sweetheart Karin Webb
Hello Dust

and more TBA

Friday, September 30th
2 Arrow Street
Cambridge, MA
18+, doors: 7:30pm; show starts at 9pm
$20 seating, $15 standing click here to purchase tickets


Video: Warm Ghost- “G.T.W.S”

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The brand spankin’ new Warm Ghost video "G.T.W.S" just premiered on I Guess I’m Floating! Check the eerie yet amazing video out for yourself below. The Brooklyn band’s new LP, Narrows, is out today on Partisan Records. – Amanda F Dissinger



Arrica Rose & the …’s kicks off October with a show at Room 5

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For some artists, music is a natural form of expression, while others need to go through a type of purgatory to get his/her inner genius out in the world. A quick listen to the third full-length release from Arrica Rose & the …’s (“The Dot Dot Dots”) will clearly reveal that the chanteuse falls into the first category. Her golden singing voice comes as easily as the act of talking. On the new album, entitled "Let Alone Sea," Rose is dynamic as ever. Rose and her band gracefully move from straightforward folk tunes to songs that could have easily been taken over by a Bat For Lashes-inspired alter-ego. "We Made Out Alright" has a ghostly feel to it, but still maintains a strong guitar presence. The touches of Nashville, with her smooth, moody voice, also carry a strong authentic tone that makes the listener feel at home. While her soft whispers are comforting, the emotions also have an edge that could turn at any given moment. The album is a cozy experience, but also keeps listeners on their toes. Arrica Rose & the …’s will be playing at Room 5 on Saturday, October 1. – Karla Hernández



Kendra Morris signs to Wax Poetic + plays Le Poisson Rouge on 09.29

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On September 29th Le Poisson Rouge will host Wax Poetics Records’ third monthly showcase in New York City, featuring their new signee Kendra Morris, a NYC based alt-soul artist The Deli has been covering and praising at least since 2008, when she played our "emerging NYC artists CMJ show". At the time she was playing solo, accompanied by just a… boom box – yes it was VERY lo-fi, and a little bit experimental as well. Today Kendra has expanded her lineup to include a full band, plus a horn section, while her sound and voice have married the Soul cause. This series teams legendary DJs from the pages of the Wax Poetics magazine with Wax Poetics recording artists – on Thursday it will be Brooklyn’s own DJ Premier‘s turn, who produced tracks for Jay-Z, Kanye West and The Notorious B.I.G. amongst others.


Album Review: White Birds – White Birds

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There is elusiveness in White Birds’ self-titled debut release that is the most immediate difference to their previous project Drink Up Buttercup. While the cassette is a bit fractured in its flow, it shows a band with a fairly refined idea of their new sound and taking a big step towards realizing it. That being said, it is merely a sample of a full-length album that will come out later, so chances are the whole affair will flow more like running water. The one-time madcap retro-pop act cut back in members and antics in exchange for a harmony-laden, reverb drenched affair with their latest offering. 
Its opening track “Hondora” is a slow-burning and constantly moving track that utilizes an almost Hawaiian sounding melody with Brian Wilson-esque harmonies. Singer James Harvey has a noticeably gentler delivery than he did in Drink Up Buttercup where he utilized his operatic training more, but again this band seems much less concerned with bombast and more with sculpting sun-drenched acoustic-pop songs. The introduction of the militant snare work in the end of the song keeps the track from staying in one place for too long and bolsters the previously sparse sound. “Floating Hands” follows in the same vein with a vintage 60’s pop meets Violent Femmes quirk that is more indicative of their earlier sound, but without replicating it. 
The back half of the cassette is more focused on experimentation and atmosphere. The standout track is “Beehive” with its simple, mantra-styled refrain and world of ambiance built on rattling guitars and ethereal harmonies. The cassette closes with the sparse, mostly solo affair “Veins Lined with Rust”. Aside from a few choice harmonies, the song is a barely audible guitar line and a meandering vocal line and lyrical abstractions about a love no longer there. The focus of this cassette seems to be on atmospheric and sonic changes rather than dynamic or melodic ones. It shows some real promise for this reincarnation and the LP should see these already impressive ideas flushed out even more. You can purchase White Birds’ cassette or download HERE. – Adam G.

SoundLand – Justin Townes Earle @ Cannery, 9/23/11

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Justin Townes Earle sure isn’t his daddy – and that’s truly an awesome and remarkable thing. Though the work of the elder Earle has made its mark for good reason, there’s hardly a roots artist – for lack of a better, all-encompassing term – around today as candid and musically versatile as JTE. He appeared on Cannery Ballroom’s candlelit stage Friday night as a smartly-dressed gent and played nearly an hour and a half’s worth of old and new songs that were still resonating the next day.

Earle made Jason Isbell’s set, which was right before, seem a little monotonous in comparison. With bassist Bryn Davies and fiddle player Amanda Shires hacking it out with Earle nearly the entire set, he breezed through vintage ’50s and ’60s country swing and folk as easily as he ground out the blues. It hit home from start to finish, from the wrenching “Slippin’ and Slidin’” to “Memphis in the Rain.” It’s hardly a secret that Earle’s rougher experiences have squirmed their way into his songwriting, but therein lies the beauty of his work and the explanation for his songs’ dual personalities – even when his experiences themselves aren’t relatable, the emotions are.

It’s just a shame that the venue, save for the cluster of folks nearest the stage, was louder than an elementary school cafeteria, and the glare of cell phones contested with the lights onstage. Earle wasn’t fazed by anything though, offering possibly the world’s pleasantest “fuck you” to whomever yelled out a request for “Copperhead Road,” and encoring with the beautiful gospel number “Harlem River Blues” with a stage packed with backup that included Isbell. – Jessica Pace


NYC Hip Hop: PremRock and Willie Green release 2nd album at Cameo on 09.28

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In their second collaboration, PremRock and Willie Green return with double the ferocity of their previous release, “The Build.” Prem is all about flow this time; he flexes and bends his potent lyricism around Willie’s expert beat-making with a confidence and candor which parallels even the vets he’s conscripted for guest appearances. From the banging crew-track “Hand to be me” (featuring C-Rayz Walz and Soul Khan) to the heartfelt and brutally honest “Move,” this is album is a tour-de-force of lyricism and storytelling. Prem wins over his listeners because he eschews the joke rap that permeates the work of many of his peers. The hallmark of a great MC is to remain compelling while merely being reflective, and this is a skill that Prem demonstrates effortlessly. PremRock and Willie Green will celebrate the release of this self-titled second album this coming Wednesday September 28th at Cameo Lounge in Williamsburg–Fans of real hip hop will be in the building. – BrokeMC


Come to The Deli Philly’s 3rd Anniversary Bash (Oct. 7) & Far-Out Fangtooth’s Record Release Show (Oct. 1) at KFN!

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We just wanted to remind you about some really rad events that we have coming up around the corner. The Deli Philly will be celebrating our 3rd Anniversary with a bash on Friday, October 7 at Kung Fu Necktie (and yes, we have the venue for the whole evening). You already know that Dangerous Ponies and Orbit to Leslie will be there to bring some serious fun into everyone’s lives. Well, we are happy to announce that The Homophones will also be joining the bill to make our lives that much better. Deli writers and DJs Adam G. (XPN2) and Dianca Potts (a.k.a. Dianca London from Horizontal Action & Up Yours!!!) will be spinning the badass tunes to get y’all goin’. But we still have more tricks up our sleeves that we can’t wait to reveal to you. However, we must so stay tuned. And if you really need some excitement in your life to help you make it through until our anniversary, then we’d love if you could join us to celebrate the release of Far-Out Fangtooth’s first LP Pure & Disinterested this Saturday, October 1 at Kung Fu Necktie, which we will be co-presenting with YVYNYL. Creepoid, Swimmers Ear, and The Trowels will also be there to melt your faces off so you’ve already been warned. Hope to see you out sooner than later. Cheers!