
Where Is My Mind? Arc In Round’s Jeff Zeigler & Mikele Edwards

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Tonight we will be at Johnny Brenda’s with WKDU, Golden Ages, Tadoma and the Pink Skull DJs to help celebrate the release of Arc In Round’s newest EP Diagonal Fields (you can check out our review of it here). It’s been a while since we’ve heard new material from our local noise-pop/shoegaze crew, and we are very happy that there will be more to come with plans of a new full length and touring already set for 2011. We had a chance to catch up with the always busy Jeff Zeigler and Mikele Edwards so check out where their minds are here. (Photo by Kristie Lee Krause)

Check Out Footage of Mister Heavenly w/Mike Cera!

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The internet was all abuzz yesterday with the news that Mike Cera joined Mister Heavenly on stage in Seattle as their bassist. Well, it looks like that wasn’t just a one-and-done thing. Check out footage below of Cera once again joining the indie supergroup in Portland, OR at The Crystal Ballroom (which is a sweet venue that has a spring-loaded dance floor). We’re pretty psyched! Shit sounds badass with Honus Honus and Nick Diamonds trading off on vocals. Enjoy! – The Deli Staff


Danny Ross headlines Mercury on 12.04

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On December 4th, current Deli Artist of the month Danny Ross headlines at the Mercury Lounge for the third time after a summer residency at Piano’s. In true DIY fashion Ross and his band go toe to toe with major label heavy weights, on the sheer support of their organically grown fan base. With its 9-piece horn section, the band will be playing to support the latest record “One Way”, an album inspired by the great conceptual albums of rock history, and which offers a pay-what-you-want pricing. Danny Ross and his band have played CMJ and SXSW, garnering them plenty of national media coverage; jump aboard and help Danny Ross ride the wave of growing press and enthusiastic fans to rock stardom! Ross Plays the Mercury Lounge this Saturday at 9pm sharp. – Alex Borsody


The Wild Deer’s music and dating “civilians” – live at Parkside on 12.04

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Deli followers should be aware by now that we are not exactly obsessed with the "classic rock" genre, but when a band is really good at something you’ve got to give them credit. Also, it must be said that the beauty of classic rock – a little bit like Motown records from the 70s – is that it creates opportunities to socialize with people who might not be into our beloved "indie" music (here we often refer to these guys as "civilians"). Well, dudes, Brooklyn’s own The Wild Deer could be the key to opening the door to that cute guy/girl who didn’t get your Dirty Projectors/Animal Collective mix tape – because they are really good at this "classic rock" thing. They are so good we can’t really pinpoint what band they sound like… it’s bluesy rock, that unfolds exactly like you expect it to, guitar solos included, but what takes it to the next level is singer Ed Fingerling’s perfect rock’n’roll voice, with his deep, husky tone somewhat reminiscent of Joe Strummer. So, the dating opportunity is for Saturday 12.04 at the Lakeside Lounge in the LES (corner of Houston and Clinton). Good Luck!

New England

12/3 – The Blizzard of 78 “Nothing Or No One” EP Release at Rosebud

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Check out the show at the Rosebud in Davis Square this Friday as local rock favorites, The Blizzard of 78, release their new EP “Nothing or No One.”This anticipated release is the first from the band since their acclaimed 2008 release, “Book Of Lies”. These guys are sure to deliver the good old “rock and soul” that they’re known for.


The lineup for the evening is as follows:

11:45 — Muy Cansado

10:45 —The Blizzard of 78

10:00 — The Positronic Rays – (One Night Band 2010 reunion featuring Sophie Innerfield, Nate Leavitt, Mike Epstein, Benny Grotto and Jim Collins.)

9:00 — Highly Personal Trash


Friday, 12/03 // $5 // 21+

The Rosebud Bar

381 Summer St., Davis Square


–The Deli Staff



Night Train Hosting Prowler CD Release Party at KFN Dec. 2

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Night Train, the super hip event at Kung Fu Necktie that features hot dance tracks and some of the city’s best bands, will no longer be happening very soon. However, you can’t say it’s not going out with a bang. Just when you were wondering what’s happening with Prowler, they’re returning with a brand new album entitled Wooly Mammoth, which they will celebrate at Night Train tonight. If Isaac Brock fronted LCD Soundsystem, you might have something like Prowler, who are ready to impress with their funky, polyrhythmic beats, post-punk guitar, and delirious vocal delivery. And of course, DJs Ian St. Laurent and Wolf.fang will be present so count that on the list of reasons to dance to the point of passing out. Fans of indie-dance-funk-punk and cheap drinks…rejoice. Fans of insomnia, there’ll be just one more Night Train after this. So get there while you still can! Kung Fu Necktie, 1250 N. Front Street, 11pm, Free, 21+ – Joe Poteracki

Lightfoot Breaks Hearts On Their New EP

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Jessica Dye and her band, Lightfoot, have recently released an aurally stunning EP titled, “People (Who Throw Kisses) Are Hopelessly Lazy.”  The title alone should be sufficient to let you know that this is an album of heartbreak; each nostalgically tinted track wavering between sadness and resentment.  Still, there’s a quality to Dye’s singing (her voice a very moving middle ground between Stevie Nicks and Jenny Lewis) that leaves you feeling just a tiny bit empowered in spite of the obvious emotional scars that are recounted within the lyrics.

Lucky for you, Lightfoot is staying busy this week!  Catch them on December 2nd at The Velvet Lounge in D.C. (DOORS 7:30PM/SHOW 9PM/21+/$8) or on December 4th at The Point in Fells in Baltimore (9:00PM). – Jarrett


Lightfoot- Will Uncoil When from Brett Vaughn on Vimeo.


True Womanhood’s Latest Single

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Holy wow, DC’s True Womanhood have done it again. They’ve just unveiled their latest single, "The Grey Man", an experimental journey of a track morphed through complex and intricate instrumentation. Singer/guitarist Thomas Redmond describes the creation process: "This time we ran the vocals through the malfunctioning tape delay and replaced the guitars with melotron strings and samples from an old tack piano." Mind blown.

And expect even more brilliant compositions in the near future as TW has announced a new series of music they are working on titled REEL TOO REAL. They’ve gotten their hands on a vintage reel to reel machine, and of course they will continue to blow minds with what’ll come out of that. Super excited to hear what they’ve got coming, and we’ll of course keep you posted here. –Dawn

The Grey Man by truewomanhood

New England

12/02—DIG Boston presents: McAlister Drive and The Wandas at Oliver’s Nightclub @ Cask’n Flagon (FREE SHOW)

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This Thursday, put on your dancing shoes and check out the soulful melodic rock of McAlister Drive. Opening for them are the upbeat pop band The Wandas. The evening is sponsored by DIG Boston and Miller.

Free admission and free beer.

Doors 7:30/ music begins at 8:30

Oliver’s Nightclub@Cask’n Flagon

62 Brookline Ave., Boston

–Chrissy Prisco, Deli Staff


Burger Up Staff Provide Night of Entertainment @ The Basement, 12/3/10

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For those of you who frequent Nashville’s delicious gourmet burger establishment, Burger Up, you’re probably aware of how all of their servers are extremely hip and good-looking. That’s because they’re all local musicians who are just choosing to volunteer their free time as servers. Wait a sec… :/ Friday night will be the opportunity of a lifetime because you can catch many of those same employees out of their element and in their…er…real element? Yeah–they’ll be playing a show at The Basement. More specifically, the bands that will be featured include Alvin Love, The Bridges, Lilly Lomein, and The Stoney Lonesomes. Maybe you could grab a burger at Burger Up, and then go to the show? Or go here for more information while you’re deciding.–Deli Staff


The Deli’s December CD of the Month: Prism Eyes – Reading Rainbow

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With the surging start of “Wasting Time”, Prism Eyes’ opener is awash with jangly riffs, catchy drums, and crisp cymbals. Lo-fi lovebirds Rob Garcia and Sarah Everton croon out a synchronized chorus in crystallized calm optimism. Evocative of acceptance or some form of humble wisdom, “Wasting Time” feels therapeutic, falling somewhere between the extremes of apathy and melodrama. It’s honest, to the point but sweet. Its lack of lyrical complication leaves each line cohesive to its backbeat and harmonized brilliance. The smoothed-out feel of Prism Eyes begins with the duo’s first track. Easily detected by Mystical Participation diehards or devotees, Reading Rainbow’s latest plays less rough around the edges in comparison to their debut without altering the band’s penchant for washed out pop. Polished yet still lo-fi, Garcia and Everton’s efforts remain sincere, just enhanced and more refined. “White Noise” slightly heightens the album’s tempo with a pinch of dissonance through garage meets surf pop riffs. Vocals settle above chords and drumbeats, leaving listeners to lose themselves in the band’s layers of fuzzed out sound. “Animals Take Control of Me” brings to mind buzz bands like Beach Fossils or Surfer Blood. Slow, steady and mellow, the album’s fourth track eases in gradually, hitting its peak towards the 2-minute mark by way of stunningly fashioned vocals, specifically on Everton’s part. Ending with ah-ah-ahs, “Animals Take Control of Me” gives way to “Underground” and its upbeat brisk duration. The overt romance of “Let’s Dream Tonight” is sugary sweet and (thankfully) easy to stomach due to the saving grace of its honesty. Brave enough to showcase their feelings without a stitch of irony, Reading Rainbow is straightforward without apology. The piece-by-piece start of “Must Be Dreaming” feels fresh with purpose and an easily danceable backbeat while the jangly pop of “Always On My Mind” instantly charms. “Cut In Two” rocks harder than its preceding tracks with driving riffs and a solid gritty tempo. Closing with the album’s title-track followed by “To My Gemini”, Reading Rainbow’s sophomore effort is vibrant and full of charm. You can purchase Prism Eyes via Hozac Records.
Below is their new video for “Always on My Mind” by Amanda Finn, which was inspired by 60’s new wave French films ala Jean Luc Goddard. Also check out their interview with Elle Magazine here. Haha – what fashionistas!
Dianca Potts

READING RAINBOW "Always on My Mind" from Amanda Finn