We stumbled upon this beautiful mesh of of lo-fi, psychedelic, garage rock, and country and couldn’t help sharing it. Carrots is an EP that draws on a whole plethora of genres and musical elements to craft something remarkably fresh. Groovy acoustic guitar rhtyhms draw on the retro psychedelic, folk rock traits of bands like T. Rex and The Brian Jonestown Masssacre while tiny tin-can, creepy, distorted vocals prove reminiscent of more recent lo-fi outfits like King Tuff. The songs periodically veer off into saccharine, psychedelic instrumentals, rising and falling into crescendos of reversed guitar riffs. It’s as if someone found a way to make jam bands less tiresome, indulging in the blissful potential of a guitar solo with enough taste to know when to bring it back home. There’s virtually nothing online about this guy. He’s got a facebook page with two likes and a bandcamp account, but with a first release like this, let’s hope we hear more from him soon. – Andrew Strader