Hotly-tipped pop chanteuse Zella Day has garnered heaps of attention for her sweeping, uplifting synth pop, a marked evolution from her days living in a small ranch in Pinetop, Arizona. At an early age, Day would perform at her family-owned coffee show, playing a variety of covers in what could be described as a stately, idyllic setting. These days, Day is pursuing a grander, more accessible sound, in which an atmospheric veil of droning synths and pompous, thundering drums crash against her simple, yet affective vocals. Day may write finely-polished ballads that have the potential to become big hits, but they’re also intricately produced and suffused with a sultry elegance that’s equally exacting and fulfilling. Expect her still nascent career to really take shape in 2015.Day’s debut self-titled EP is slated for a fall 2014 release via B3SCI records. And make sure to catch her play a set at The Echo next wednesday, September 10th.