For Nashua, New Hampshire’s Wyn Doran, public evisceration of her personal experiences through music is nothing new, but her latest single "Cigarettes" cuts even deeper than usual. The music is tinged with residues of anger, fresh disappointment, and many stains of love all lit by the bluesy guitars that riff away in "Cigarettes" and the soulful vocals of Doran, which carve its choruses. The emotion in the music can be intimating, only because of the deep, relatable pain it reveals, the humanity behind it all too real. Doran is in her full alt-soul element in this new single, and that only adds a layer of strength to recall the song’s theme head-on; Wyn shows in the track the same grit that has characterized her sound, explosive beats and all. Stream "Cigarettes" below, you may just recognize something in its blackened, burning candor. – Rene Cobar