Toronto rock trio Womb are getting ready to release their latest album "Situation Normal, All Fucked Up" this spring and they have done us the pleasure of unleashing a new track! "Lotus Twist" has some interesting parts going on. It has almost a circus feel to it with thumping drums and mesmerizing guitar parts. They always find ways to add a swingy-jazz element to their grunge rock sound. Singer/guitarist Ragwax might give you the creeps with his dragging vocals throughout this track. The Lotus Twist will make your head twist as Womb leads you down the path to the unknown world that Womb came from. Actually I think they came from Ajax but you know what I mean. Womb will be celebrating their record release on June 18th at Cherry Colas along with Flamingo Báy, The Ballroom Babies and The Retroaction. Have a listen to "Lotus Twist" below. – Kris Gies