Win 4 tickets to Au Revoir Simone show at Highline Ballroom on Jan. 07

One of our favorite hobbies here at The Deli is to brag about how much earlier we covered and/or booked some local bands that were later blessed by international recognition… Here we go, then: we first covered Au Revoir Simone in 2005 – the band also played a Deli show at quaint and cozy Pete’s Candy’s Store in Brooklyn. They were a brand new band at the time… we knew they were good, but we weren’t expecting that they would sell out arenas in Japan and China within a few years…
The three charming ladies will be back in their hometown in early 2010 for a show at Highline Ballroom on Thursday January 7. We have a bunch of free tickets available for readers: to enter the contest send us a 3 to 5 word description (or, better yet – make a Haiku) about the music of your favorite 3-girl-armed-with-synths band to this address: info [at] The 2 best entries will win 2 tickets to the show.

Submission Deadline December 11. Good luck!

The Deli Staff