It’s not only their name Wildcat! Wildcat! that’s borrowed from Ratatat, it’s a taste for the swagger of a hip-hop beat that sets them at a vital distance from the hundreds of synthpop acts flooding the indie scene every year. The name, it turns out, they actually owe to Eli Cash’s play Wildcat (The Royal Tenenbaums); yet where his project led to failure, things are looking up for this lot. No glee, no kitsch, and for that, hats off. No obsolete vernacular either, for that matter. Just three guys, some spotless keyboard arrangements and a sexy bassline, which amount to a catchy groove stuck in your head until the next takes its place. With only two singles to their name, they’ve already made quite a reputation for themselves. Recently landing a residency at The Echo, they’ll be playing the famous LA stage every Monday evening throughout the month of August.