These days, I generally don’t get out much in the day because I’m usually writing and/or editing for a bunch of sites that I work for, except when I occasionally get a chance to meet friends for lunch. One of my pals (who is a gifted music producer that lives in the neighborhood) and I will take his newborn for a bite and a walk whenever it’s his turn to watch the kid while his wife is at work. (My girlfriend generally cracks up when I tell her that we had lunch because she imagines us looking like an interracial gay couple out for a stroll with our adopted or artificially inseminated child. I can see the humor in that.) Well, we occasionally meet up with his friend from a mommy/daddy playgroup, who also lives in the hood, and she happens to be the girlfriend of Matt Korvette (a.k.a. Matt Kosloff) from Pissed Jeans so it was a rather odd situation for me when I was preparing for my interview with him this week. We’ve never met, but I do know bits and pieces of his life that generally come up in casual conversation – the way things tend to do when people talk about their significant others. I do admit that I find the non-stereotypical (and sometimes mundane) things that he does in contrast to fronting a badass noise-punk rock band signed to Sub Pop like Pissed Jeans rather fascinating. So while doing research to put together my questions for our interview, it didn’t really appeal to me to make him re-explain the thought processes and meanings behind the songs on Pissed Jeans’ new album Honeys that have already been covered in multiple interviews lately. I did touch on a few music questions that I didn’t come across in the pieces about Matt and the band. However, I was really more interested in asking him more personal questions that probably have popped into my head while having lunch with his girlfriend and son, but unfortunately, he wasn’t around to answer. You can read my recent interview with Pissed Jeans’ Matt Korvette HERE.