It’s almost as if you took the vocals of Heart’s Nancy Wilson, or Blondie’s Debbie Harry, and combined that with the musicality of Hole; this sound, ironically, not only differs from the self-described “Lazy-Punk” sound of new NYC band, What Would Tilda Swinton Do, but may also be cutting the band short: the band possesses more energy and expression than what they’re giving themselves. Single “Bikerbraut” is powerful from the start, and more dynamic than the typical punk track; with shrilled, high-pitched vocals and descriptive lyrics consistent throughout, the song only goes from intense to haywire as the guitars, bass, and drums get sloppier, punk-ier, and heavier. You can check out the track below, and see the band perform at Pianos on August 13th, at 10PM. – Pearse Devlin