Weekly Special #221b: The Depreciation Guild

Two Japanese school girls are filmed meeting up for a day out together throughout the city of Tokyo. As the gentle-yet-sonically-powerful keyboard synths begin, two friends greet each other and head out to explore the city. The gorgeous clarity of at times super slo-mo camera imagery shows the girls with their pink earmuffs and headbands, sharing an iPod headset (listening to The Depreciation Guild‘s "My Chariot", of course) as they put on makeup, brush their hair and eat ice cream. Kurt’s vocals provide the perfect soundtrack for this delightful and intoxicating travelogue through a magical city of Tokidoki and Hello Kitty dolls. “The hope you feel, it will gratify you instantly,” Kurt sings. However, it is tempered by a fear that one may “wake up obsolete.” Thematically the lyrical content, with its references to “data” and things being “digital” more closely match the images of a cutting-edge electronic Japan. In fact, perhaps the song title itself refers to some kind of space chariot, rather than the ancient vehicle one might initially think of. The song and video climax together in an uplifting blend of new discoveries, wonderment and that magical feeling of shared experiences. – Read Dave Cromwell full feature on The Depreciation Guild here.