It was great to see ohnomoon live again last night at our B.E.A.F. Psych Rock stage at Public Assembly. Hit hard by the sudden death of their bassist Raymond Blanco towards the end of the year, OhNoMoon’s 2011 was bittersweet at best. Until then, this Astoria-based psych rock band had released the single “Sleeping Limbs” and an outstanding cover of Bowie’s “Ashes to Ashes” (streaming below) laying a fast path around town, which culminated in a sold out Deli show at CMJ. Hopefully they’ll give us some new recordings soon. Their somnambulant dream-rock, whose pace is dictated by Kat Lee’s softly pedaling, is rich in hooks and well structured. – Read Ed Guardaro and Dave Cromwell interview with the band here.