On their debut album "Not Nothing," (out in April 2011) Brooklyn gutter-glam punks Xray Eyeballs emphasize a sound that is rough and brittle. Songs like "Crystal," "Nightwalker" and "Egyptian Magician" feature a slightly off-kilter, almost twisted guitar intonation, mostly evident on rhythm chords. Additionally, when single note lines are called for, they are struck with a heavy (almost) twang to them. These kind of borderline quirky sonic details contribute to giving this band an identity that sets them apart from other artists in the same "nu-garage" scene. Pursuing the evolution of their sound, the band is releasing this month a follow-up titled "Splendor Squalor" (Kanine Records), professing to have a third album written as well. With newest members Sarah Baldwin (drums) and Liz Lohse (guitar/synths) joining founding members O.J. San Felipe (guitar/vocals) and Carly Rabalais (bass) one would expect this evolution to be significant. See tthem live at Glasslands on 02.28. – Read Dave Cromwell’s interview with the Xray Eyeballs here.