Formerly called The Goods, The Denzels, invigorated with the name change, are ready to kick ass and take names with their dangerously addictive music. The songs are absolutely pop at heart with endearing hooks and jangly guitars, but there’s an edge that makes them emanate a New York kind of cool. The music is by no means a daunting or pretentious hipness, as the tunes are astoundingly accessible with vintage elements from yesteryear; they cite The Smiths and ‘50s girl groups as influences while pulling in modern peers such as Deerhunter into the mix. The quintet sounds like a more punk-spiked, less distorted version of The Strokes – check out the band’s latest EP, "Easy Tiger," which is generously offered for free on Bandcamp. The five tracks are a clarified, upbeat amalgamation of pop and rock music from the ‘50s to the present day. – Read Nancy Chow’s interview with the band here. See The Denzels live at The Deli’s B.E.A.F.on May 25 at Spike Hill with The Can’t Tells, Big Ups and more.