Remember that Weird Al parody of "Smells Like Teen Spirit" where he has all the marbles in his mouth? That thought couldn’t help but spring to mind as "Funeral Song" by MINKS was on rotation. The mumbling is endearing, though, as if lead singer/songwriter Sean Kilfoyle is almost too shy to enunciate what he wrote. Instead, under swirling fuzz, chugging bass and melodic guitar strums, he weaves tales about summer and alcohol that only the most developed translator can fully interpret. Their record label (Captured Tracks) compares MINKS to a cassette of Cure demos birthed by Robert Smith. Most reviewers would describe MINKS, if required to peg them to a genre, to be kind of "shoegazey". But, to be quite honest, MINKS is beyond shoegaze. Their music is gazing past your shoes and through the floor. This is earthcoregaze. And again, to be quite honest, it’s kind of glorious. – Read alison levin’s interview with the bands here.