Lifeguard Nights have been around for quite some time, and while this doesn’t automatically give a band credibility, they’ve certainly proven themselves as mainstays in the local scene with over 18 full-length releases under their belts. Vincent Brue, the group’s founder and lead singer, sports a strong tenor with just the right amount of grunginess, and seems to pick the musicians who back him for their ability to integrate that quality with musical edge and power. The band released two album in 2014 that couldn’t sound more different. While we’re hearing more folk influences coming out of their May release “Bruetown,” October’s record "Beastmaster" – an album long in the making – is a fast and furious excursion into the world of (punchy) art rock with prog tendencies. You can catch them live at Mercury Lounge on December 18, and read Jillian P. Dooley’s interview with Vin Brue of Lifeguard Nights.