Weekly Feature 189b: Sisters, live at Monster Island, 02.13

In a world where most ideas have been stolen, borrowed or re-fabricated in one form or another, I have grown to appreciate the Brooklyn-based band Sisters. The two piece—neither of which are girls—consists of Aaron Pfannebecker, who sings and plays guitar, and drummer/keyboardist Matt Conboy. Instead of merely copying things from prior generations, Sisters embrace a wide variety of musical installations while exploring new avenues for creating and distorting sound. While Sisters understand the structural greatness and pop aesthetic of Nirvana, the bursting unpredictability of Wire and the hollowed-out frequencies of a My Bloody Valentine record, they haven’t let that stop them from pushing boundaries on the musical daisy-chain. Dubbed one of the Death By Audio “house bands”, Sisters’ music embraces a collage of noise and garage rock with distorted, reverberated guitars and heavily amplified drums. Aaron switches back and forth between high pitched screeches and boyish screams with the uncertainty of Steven Malkamus as Matt jumps off the drums to orchestrate a childlike melody on the keys and making things danceable. Though there are only two members in this band, their live sound packs a major punch and can be a bit overwhelming. Some of you may wanna bring the plugs! Sisters have just wrapped up recording their first full length record, which is scheduled for release in the spring. The duo played some super awesome gigs at CMJ and I was lucky to seize a moment of singer Aaron Phannebecker’s time… Read Lindsey Lawless interview with the band here.