Those screen savers on the old Microsoft Windows systems used to be the best. So many options to get visually lost in as a child, a stoner or in some people’s cases, both, those screensavers were one of the best things about zoning out and ignoring the "wah wah wahs" of your parents.
"Transporter," the newest animated video from Strangeletter, the dark alt-rock project from Steven James Bayless, is reminiscent of those zoned out times. While flying under the local radar, Strangeletter has been ascending in success in so many other ways, with his music having been featured in the TV show Firefly, in trailers for PlayStation’s inFamous 2 and more.
Spark up, turn the lights out and get caught up in Strangeletter’s "Transporter" video below. It’s perfect for this drizzly night.