Twiga to release cassette of ‘Million $$$ Dream’ at The Gateway on 3/17

Physical media fans, rejoice: After releasing Million $$$ Dream online last October, Brooklyn’s alt-pop quartet Twiga are about to drop that album in tape format via the label Effortless Crush. The glittering gold cassette comes with a digital download code for the album, so that regular people (i.e. those who don’t own a cassette player) can actually listen to it. To celebrate the release of Million $$$ Dream on cassette, Twiga will play a show at The Gateway on March 17th. The event, called "Write Your Reps!" also features fellow Brooklyn bands Fat Heaven, Narc Twain, Medium Mystic, and Debbie Downer. – Will Sisskind

EDIT: A previous version of this article noted the location of this show as Shea Stadium. Due to the recent closure of Shea Stadium, this show has changed its location to The Gateway. – WS