What if humans were a little more "gregarious" (and a lot less less private) than they actually are, and did everything in groups of ten, organized by gender, race and bodily features? From sleeping to showering to… mating? One things is sure, they could NOT live in tight NYC. But the concept of collective individuality is rather intriguing, and it’s explored in Brooklyn synth pop quartet Total Makeover‘s new video for single "Self Destructive," with disappointing developments. A seemingly disciplined group of young white men, disgracefully falls apart soon after intersecting with a gang of attractive (and obviously interested) blonde ladies, and – of course! – it’s all the boys’ fault.
Among many other down sides, in that configuration it would get quite expensive to attend any kind of paid event – which brings us to the fact that Total Makeover is playing at St. Vitus bar on December 1st with Spector and Slothrust. Bring your better tenths.