Tim Fite is an artist attempting to surpass the lip service and own up to the responsibility we all have as functioning cogs in a malfunctioning system. Though some may decry another white artist with Hip Hop roots taking up the cause of an oppressed culture from which he benefits, I think the more astute citizen will appreciate all people, artists or not, doing whatever they can, with whatever tools they have at hand, to keep the conversation going. In the final track of the album, “White People,” with a timbre recalling Public Enemy and later Saul Williams, Fite demands, “If you’re not a racist, then why are you turning a blind eye to racism? If you’re not a bigot then how can you live with a system that’s bigoted?” A visual artist as well, in the video, Fite paints accompanying canvases for each track on the album. He wisely doesn’t seek to provide easy answers so much remind us of important questions. – BrokeMc