Things to Look Out for from The Deli in January!


We’re super busy here at The Deli in January, but in a good way. We wanted to let you know about all the fun things that we’ve planned and put together for you. Of course, there is The Deli’s Best of Philly Emerging Artist(s) Poll going on until midnight Friday, January 15th. Vote!!! It’s your right! And to celebrate the end of this exhausting process, The Deli staff is ready to throw down hard this Friday night when we present (our January CD of the Month) Orbit to Leslie’s CD Release Party at Johnny Brenda’s with our favorite why-the-fuck-aren’t-they-signed-yet-band Aderbat (they’ll also have a surprise for you about a new project that they are working on), post rockers who have been turning into balls-to-the-wall rockers as of late Grimace Federation, and most excellent experimental popster Power Animal. If you’ve ever seen these bands live, then you know why we are all so excited about this show! We almost can’t believe that this sweet, sweet bill is really happening!

But there is no rest for the weary because we’ll be bringing our drunken crew of misfits out next week to join one of our favorite psych-folkers Michael Johnson’s Ape School, The Deli’s January Band of the Month The Circadian Rhythms, good time boys and former "Tunes Whiz Wit" performers New Motels and Brooklyn buzz outfit Savoir Adore on Thursday, January 21st at Kung Fu Necktie. As if all this wasn’t enough for you, we will be debuting our mostly acoustic concert series of local emerging artists called “The Deli’s Lunchtime Escape” at The Bellvue Hotel – swanky. Yes, who would’ve thunk it? The Bellvue came to us about putting on a live concert series every last Friday of the month at noon to entertain the hoards of 9-to5ers that they get in their food court area, but all you unemployed Deli readers shouldn’t feel bad about swinging by and escaping with us. On January 29th, you will be treated to performances by one of the world’s premier Hang drum masters and YouTube sensation with performance videos receiving well-over 2 million views Dante Bucci, the captivatingly earnest vocals and storytelling of Andrew Conly from Holcomb Family Band, and the female reincarnation of Woody Guthrie, Spirit and Dust. Does all this sound like a lot for just the first month of 2010? Well, it is, and it’s all for you. We hope that you can make it out to enjoy! – The Deli Staff