Who throws the biggest ball of them all? You know it’s Portland. We have several ballrooms to spin and bounce in and we revel in our abounding culture of local music and amazing breweries. What better way to celebrate than at the 2nd Annual Malt Ball within The Wonder Ballroom? It’s an all day thing if you can handle it, with a whopping performance of 12 bands and 26 participating breweries. Or you can split it up into two sessions (2pm-7pm, 7:30-Midnight) if you’re like, a wussy, or have a job or something. There is a barrel aged, Belgian sour from Old Market Pub and Brewery, sweetened up with some cherries to taste with the "Exotic Cakes" of Minden. Or how about a black bock (6.66 percent ABV) from Gigantic Brewing, paired with Suns of Huns? A fuzzy sunny citrus ale from The Commons accompanying the psychedelic rock of Wooden Indian Burial Ground? Dancing? Get on it…. – Brandy Crowe