Have you looked behind yourself recently? You never know… someone could be watching you. Sorry to worry you, but if the new LP from Jersey group Their Planes Will Block Out the Sun is any indication, we may have a lot to bre concerned about. From the voices in my head found at the end of new single ‘The Hunter‘ (streaming below) to mysterious ‘Tumors’ found in one of my fave groove-based math rock tracks from the album ‘Brasil,’ listening to these guys music reveals a band in a very thoughtful and rather bleak mood. Compared with previous records, the band’s latest delivers a focused bang on the head, caught between Interpol-like paranoia, and jazz-inflected grooves The Dismemberment Plan would have been proud. You can see the band live on 12.05 (tomorrow) at Pianos with other NYC acts Chamber Band, Julien Funk and We Run; in the meantime… check out their record on their Bandcamp – and make sure no one’s following you until then. – Mike Levine (@Goldnuggets)