On December 11th Kellys Olympian will be hosting the latest band to set the interwebs abuzz, The Weather Machine. The sudden wash of attention is a result of front man Slater Smiths brilliant idea to visit all 185 Oregon National Parks in the name of creating an epic music video for his poetic tribute to leaving so you can come back again, "Back Or’e Oregon". Everyone from Portland Monthly Magazine to NPR to Buzzfeed (where you can now find good music in addition to cats that are too proud to admit they hate the snow- who knew?!) has taken note of Smiths video and not just because everyone who isn’t from Oregon was surprised to hear it pronounced correctly. Smiths journey took him 4 months, to what are arguably some of the most beautiful places in America, and garnered the attention and support of Breedlove guitars, Oregon State Parks, and Tender Loving Empire to name just a few. New fans who are lucky enough to stumble onto this video would do their ears well to go beyond "Back Or’e Oregon" and check out the newest single "Slow Dance Slow", available through Tender Loving Empire. – Joy Pearson