The soft sensual beat of The Lonely Wild’s new album, The Sun as It Comes Up, attaches graceful lyrics and a perfect melody to their already upscale sound. The smooth harmonies of this Los Angeles quintet band are haunting, persuasive and provoking. With so many different genres of music to be influenced by and so many different bands to shine through, band member Andrew Carroll talked to KCET about the band’s influential prospects. Carroll talked about them embedding ideas from different genres into their own, which include singer/songwriter Neil Young, Pink Floyd, Johnny Cash, Woody Guthrie, and even some piano trios from Ravel. The integrated aesthetics of The Lonely Wild can be heard and felt throughout the entire album, but with songs like "Buried in the Murder", "The Sun as it Comes Out", and" Flames to Fight", the noticeable touch of strength and closure attached to their lyrics really hits home. The Sun as it Comes Up satisfies every listeners’ needs, with hypnotic beats, tranquil voices and their down-to-earth imagery catching everyone off their feet. The distinct, passionate lyrics this band drives for starts at the very first song and ends with the last. – Kayla Hay