The KDSML Revue Returns to Exit/In 7.24

Exit/In will be featuring some of the freshest, most innovative talent in the South this Thursday night.  The KDSML Revue is the brainchild of its namesake, a UK-born turntablist with a DJ pedigree (his father wrote Babe Ruth’s "The Mexican"). The purpose of the Revue is to showcase new artists and foster a collaborative spirit that reaches beyond genre and medium boundaries; the lineup for the evening includes Atlanta’s Skymatic, SOSA, Black Cat Sylvester, Audeon, and live painting on Exit/In’s new patio by REX2.  Check out this video of KDSML and Black Cat Sylvester showcasing the newly-patented Synth Table.  Expect just as much noodle-y dancing and more grooves on Thursday.  The event kicks off at 9, and cover is $5 (although ladies get in free before 11.) -Terra James-Jura